Wilder Pastures TJ & Kelli Wilder Harrodsburg, KY

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Growing Food that Raises Strong Families

Contact Us

Welcome to our family farm! We are so blessed to live our dream of country living here at our family farm in central Kentucky. Located in northern Mercer county, we love where the Lord has placed us and love the community He has surrounded us with.

Our mission is simple: grow food that raises strong families. Our health journey the past 15 years as a family has taught us many things about the importance of what we put on and in our bodies. We’ve witnessed first hand what healing can occur by what you put at the end of your fork. This knowledge is what drives our farming practices. Here at Wilder Pastures, NOTHING is grown in our field or in our gardens that compromises our health position or anyone else’s.

What do we value?

Farming that works WITH nature. No synthetic fertilizers and minimal, natural-based pest control.

Food that is non-GMO. NO glyphosate found or used on our farm. Ever. Our land has had over 10 years of rest from any materials used in GMO crops such as corn and soy.

Healing the land and leaving it better than we found it. This land is in our family for the long haul and as such we are very particular about what we put on/in it. We’ve seen the healing that has come to the land since we’ve lived here and hope that the soil grows more and more diverse and rich.

Healthy soil = nutrient-dense food = healthy families.

Building a community-sufficient lifestyle. We must build a community that helps provide for one another. We may not grow everything you need here but by building community, we can work together to provide a local, secure, food system. Building relationships with other farms and producers is a priority for us.

If you have ANY questions concerning farming practices, contact us. Knowing what’s in our food is important to us so we understand any concern you may have!



Open for the season


Fulfillment options

  • Pickup at our farm store